I just saw the documentary Vegucated and I highly recommend it - it's available on Netflix, Amazon, etc. What makes this movie different from so many others that I've seen is that the "vegan test subjects" (three non-veg people who agreed to a 6-week vegan challenge) did not really commit to a permanent lifestyle change until realizing the ethical consequences of eating animals.
“A human can be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore if he eats meat he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite.”
I could really relate because that's is how I went from eating pork chops for breakfast one morning 29 years ago to being vegetarian by lunch. No amount of data supporting the health or environmental claims (virtually unknown in 1985 anyway) of a vegan diet could have "flipped" this "meat-3-times-a-day Black Girl from Detroit" within a matter of hours. One conversation with my (now) husband Londale, regarding the ethical implications of eating conscious life forms, changed everything.
Marissa Miller Wolfson, the writer/director/editor of Vegucated did a good job of compiling data and footage which supports the physical, environmental and ethical benefits of a vegan diet. Definitely worth seeing. For me, the physical and environmental benefits are "happy accidents" and a direct result of an ethical choice made nearly 30 years ago. After seeing Vegucated, I was reminded of these benefits and filled with gratitude for the lifestyle my family follows on a daily basis, 24/7, 365.
Just one more thing to be grateful for as we celebrate our vegan Thanksgiving this year!