You've heard it from everywhere - EAT MORE RAW! The health benefits are astounding, including a natural way to maintain a healthy weight. So why aren't you doing it? Why is it so hard?
With just a little planning, you can significantly increase your raw intake. Here's how we do it in the Theus household:
We start with large quantities of our favorite organic vegetables (ones that will last for a week in the refrigerator). In the photo above, we have:
Bagged and ready to store!
- Kale (dino and red)
- Sweet Peppers (orange and yellow)
- Red Cabbage
- White Cabbage
We wash, cut and bag these vegetables, and store refrigerated for approximately 1 week in gallon-sized Ziploc bags. We avoid adding vegetables such as tomatoes and avocados to this mix - instead, we use these fresh each day.
For our family of 4, it takes about 1 hour (with two of us working together) to prepare our vegetables for the week. Then, each day, we add this mix to greens, wraps, and sandwiches. It is easy to transport in smaller quantities too - ideal for lunches or snacking.
Try it for a week and you'll see how easy it is! Add some of your favorite raw veggies and change it up according to what's in season.
Tip: Eat at least 50% raw fruits and vegetables each day, and remember to eat them before your cooked food. it is better for your digestion and will fill you up with good fiber before taking in more concentrated foods.
So easy - start now!